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Here below will be a list of some songs I cannot help but love. Whenever I listen to them I cannot help but be overcome by a sense of passion for the moment I am. No matter where I am in life music has a magical ability to sieze my emotions and help me express them. I hope you are able to resonate with this music a s much as I have been(:

Magic of Music: About
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shuggie otis

This song never fails to help me live in the moment. After long days feeling stuck in a rut I will put this song on and be reminded life aint so bad. There is always somebody out there with it worse remaining resilient with a smile on their face. This song helps me shift back my perspective to feel grateful for what I am blessed with in life.


Here is a cool picture of Shuggie and his dog

Magic of Music: Welcome
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Mac Miller

Mac Miller might possibly be one of my favorite artists. He has gotten me through a tremendous amount. This song specifically sparked a glimmer of hope in my life during a time I felt completely lost and alone. This song reminds me of the beauty of humanity, the inevitable imperfection of life and the fact that life is temporary. Ultimately this song floods me with the liberating feeling that I do not have to be perfect which helps me get on with my life.

Magic of Music: Image
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Michael Jackson

The first time I ever heard this song will always hold a special place in my heart. I was attending an MLK march put on by my school and we had made our way to a local park in downtown Puyallup. This is where a handful of my peers sang this song for the crowd. It was one of those moments where you get goosebumps from the pure ephotia.

Magic of Music: Image


Music is magic

I am working very hard to create content to upload to this website. I plan to add lyrics of these songs and what makes them stand out to me with the intention of updating the songs posted occasionally. 
Thank you for checking this page out and stay tuned for more! (:

Magic of Music: About
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